Professional Voicemail Greetings – Personal Or Business Voicemail Greeting
What makes a good voice mail greeting? Keep it short and professional.
A professional voicemail greeting is critical to your business brand or personal communication strategy.
If you want to know how to record a voicemail message instead of using a robot voice with a custom voicemail greeting generator, why not buy a recorded voicemail message and get a professional voicemail greeting for your business.
I will do a pre recorded message for voicemail that you can use for your personal or business voicemail greetings.
As well as my British accent and female voice, I can also record your voicemail greeting in Spanish.
Do you need a company voicemail greeting for...?
- A professional law office
- A mental health center
- A real estate office or realtor
- A doctors office
- After hours
- Small businesses
- With a British accent
- En Espanol / in Spanish
Professional Answer Machine Messages And IVR:
What to say in a Voicemail greeting:
Here’s an example of a simple structure that can vary depending on your situation.
- A greeting
- Your name
- Your company
- A short explanation of why you can’t take their call.
- You are away from the phone or are on holiday.
- A rough time of when you will get back to them.
- An alternative person to reach out to if you are ‘out of office’.
- An alternative mode of communication such as email text.
- A call-to-action such as ‘leave a message’ or ‘send an email to [email protected]’.
What does that actually look like? Something like this:
“Hello, you’ve reached [X company]. We can’t take your call right now, but please leave your name, contact information, and reason for reaching out, and one of our team members will be in touch within 24 hours.”
Business IVR Prompts:
If your telephone service has an Interactive Voice Response or IVR, this will allow the caller to interact with the phone system, through the use of their voice or DTMP tones in the keypad. IVR systems are used to service high call volumes at lower cost. The use of IVR allows callers’ queries to be resolved without a live agent. Through their choices, it can determine if the caller would like to “for the billing department press 1 ” or “for the technical support team press 2” for example. If callers do not find the information they need, the calls may be transferred to a live agent.
This is known as a IVR menu or phone tree as it can have many levels. One option can lead to 2 or 3 more options depending on the needs of your organization.
What do Business IVR prompts actually look like? Something like this:
Greeting prompt 1:
Thank you for calling [company name].
For customer service, please press 1.
For sales, please press 2.
For locations and hours, please press 3.
To speak to an agent at any time during this call, please press 0, or stay on the line.
On hold message prompt 2:
We currently experiencing more calls than normal. Your call is important to us, so please hold and we will answer you shortly or to leave your message, press 0. To have an agent call you back, press 1.”
Closing Message prompt 3:
Thank you for calling.
If you have another request, return to the main menu by pressing 1.
If you’d like an agent to call you back, press 2.
If your call is complete, we would love to know how it went. Please stay on the line to take a short satisfaction survey.
Otherwise, hang up any time. We look forward to serving you again.
After-Hours IVR Sample Scripts:
After-hours messages are a little different as they don’t provide the interactive options. They don’t give you the chance to speak to an agent. Instead, this message should do three key things:
- Identify your company
- Provide resources for more information
- Explain how to successfully make contact
What does an After Hours Message Script actually look like? Something like this:
Thank you for calling [company name]. Our offices are currently closed. For online services and more information, visit our website at [website URL]. To reach an agent, call us during business hours, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Or wait on the line to leave a message. Please include your name, phone number, and reason for calling, and we’ll call you back within two business days. You can also email us at [company email address]. We look forward to serving you.
Script Writing Tips:
Address your customers’ most common requests first.
The goal is to get every caller to resolution with as few steps as possible. Study existing call data and survey your customers to determine the top reasons they call. Then write scripts that address those needs immediately.
Keep each script node short and simple.
The longer a caller remains on the line without results, the more frustrated they get. Eliminate unnecessary language from your IVR scripts. Get to the options as quickly as you can while still providing enough information to guide callers effectively.
Always place call extensions at the ends of sentences.
“For customer service, press 1,” not “Press 1 for customer service.” Callers may only start paying attention when they hear the option they’re looking for, so list the option first, followed by the appropriate action.
Continually update your IVR script and your voice audio files.
You may add new services or new locations or even whole new departments. Each of those shifts requires a new script—and new audio voice files.
What are the Voiceover rates for voicemail messages:
As an IVR voiceover, I offer professional voicemail recording services, I do the recording and editing of your voicemail messages. I can add music and also do the file superstations for your IVR prompts.
- Up to 25 words $25
- Up to 70 words $50
- Up to 150 words $100
- Up to 250 words $160
- Over 250 words $0.64 per word (please contact me with your total word count).
- Add a music track $25
How To Order Your Voicemail Greeting:
You can make your payment via Paypal, then please email me the following details:
- your script
- your delivery style
- your desired file format, mp3 or wav
I will confirm that I have understood your script correctly and can usually provide the finished files within 24 hours during normal office hours.

British Female Voicemail Greeting MP3 - Downloadable Professional Voicemail Recording
If you have not updated your voicemail in over a year, its probably time you did. Contact me and lets work on it!